The Slovenian Competition Protection Agency cordially invites you to the traditional conference Slovenian Competition Day 2023, which will take place on October 3, 2023 at the Hotel Slon in Ljubljana. You can apply for the conference at the e-mail address prijave.avk(at) Participation at theā€¦


On 4 November 2021, the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency issued an order on the commencement of procedure for infringement of Article 9 of ZPOmK-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 36/08, 40/09, 26/11, 87/11, 57/12, 39/13 US Decree No 36/08, 40/09, 26/11, 87/11, 57/12,ā€¦

On November 22, 2021, Professor Thibault Schrepel (VU Amsterdam/Stanford) ā€” creator of the computational antitrust project ā€” gave a virtual lecture to the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency on the interactions between blockchain and competition law. First, Professor Schrepel introducedā€¦

The 25 European competition authorities met in Rome. The event was hosted by the AGCM.

The meeting of the ECA (European Competition Authorities), the informal network that gathers together the European Antitrust Authorities, which marks the twentieth anniversary of its establishment, has ended. Theā€¦

On 23 and 24 September the Italian Competition Authority chaired by Roberto Rustichelli hosts the annual meeting, with the participation of 25 Authorities. 

The meeting of the ECA (European Competition Authorities), the informal network that gathers together the European Antitrust Authorities,ā€¦

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