Slovenian Competition Day 2019 – Remedies in Competition Law

Slovenian competition Protection Agency (CPA) organized a traditional one-day conference on Remedies in Competition Law on 26 September 2019 in Ljubljana. Mr. Andrej Matvoz, Director of CPA, welcomed about 80 participants from Slovenia and some neighboring countries that participated and contributed to the success of the conference.

The keynote speaker, Prof. Richard Whish, Emeritus Professor of Law at King’s College London, initially highlighted the remedies as the difficult part of decision making.

Within the first panel, participants discussed objectives and limitations of remedies in competition law. Initially, Fabio Cannizzaro (DG COMP) introduced effectiveness of remedies used in antitrust cases of the European Commission while Tomaž Ilešič (Senior Partner, Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partners) continued with the presentation on the use remedies from the perspective of Slovenian Competition Law.

Second panel, dedicated to the use of competition remedies in practice, started with the presentation of   Thibaud Vergé (ENSAE Paris / CRA) who discussed the question of effectiveness of remedies in merger control from the perspective of economic analysis.  Birthe Panhans (DG COMP) continued with the presentation of recent remedies practice of the European Commission with a focus on EU merger control.  As the final panelist, Ana Pavlaković Skočić (Croatian Competition Authority) presented   the use of remedies in recent cases in Croatia.

Discussion within both panels was moderated by   Mitja Kovač PhD, Associate Professor at University of Ljubljana.

Finally, Prof. Richard Whish summarized some key findings from the discussion and emphasized, inter alia, the need to understand  the meaningful use of remedies in competition law where principles for antitrust and merger control differ . Moreover, the limited duration of remedies is crucial especially in rapidly growing industry. He emphasized also the importance of ex-post evaluation of remedies, where it is particularly useful to take into account the experience gathered and recent practice.

More information on the conference, as well as all presentations can be found here.

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